These last two weeks at The Bridge Programme’s bootcamp has been nothing short of being phenomena. Learnt a whole lot, in a new way and dimension that I will forever remember, experienced edges, provided solutions but above all, meet a lot of smart and bad asses, doing crazy stuff, who not only rub off intelligently on you, but also inspire you to want to be more, to do more and to be honest, I’m pumped and grateful for the opportunity to have met these lots, but for me, the question now is WHAT NEXT?
BUILD: If I took anything out of the bootcamp, it will be like Jesus telling his disciples "Go ye therefore into all nations, teaching them...." but for me will be "Go therefore in to the world Marve, building stuff and creating solutions" minus the lesson contents, meeting and interacting with people (co-fellows and other networks of The Bridge) reminds me of the words of the Lara Rabiu (the cofounder) "The only one that can stop you now is YOURSELF", now I feel more inspired, energised and confident that I have all I need to do stuff and build, if I get stuck, there’s a myriad of network to help out, if I fail, just found another way that doesn’t work. I’m pumped.
SPEAK AND WRITE MORE: Leaving camp, one of the things that kept regurgitating in my mind is how do we more people to know of opportunities like this, how do people know there can be more, that your competition is not the guy in OAU or UI but those students from Harvard and Stanford, and so how do we compete? One of the reasons why I ran for the post of President in my Faculty is to show and inspire that there can be more, we can do more and aspire to be more, and the feedback I’ve received in the last couple of days from people outside my Faculty and school shows I am on the right path, now, it doesn’t even matter if I win or not, some people are energized already and I’m glad to be part of that process, so now, I’m looking towards speaking and writing more about the little I know about stuff, leadership, tech and AI, health, innovation et al. We have a responsibility to millions who may never get to experience the The Bridge.
And finally LEARN: one of the final things I’ve learnt is the great opportunity to still grow, to be more and that’s something I noticed alot of people around me including myself lack, "your imagination can’t be beyond your level of knowledge", so now that I know better, I guess I’m in active pursuit of more opportunities like The Bridge, to learn, to be better and also rub minds.
Once again, I'm so pumped and can't wait for the great things these guys are going to do. I'm rooting for y'all✌🏾✌🏾