I’m a Christian and I don’t think Trump loosing means anything to Christianity

Ajala Marvellous Oluwamayowa
5 min readNov 8, 2020


These few weeks have been a very funny one as you see Christians all over the world especially in America, Catholics, Pentecostals, evangelicals all coming to support Trump for a second tenure, hot takes cousin traffic ear and dear😂, but funnier because the Pope has been having some funny takes too recently, no insult to the pontiff though, lol.
A little disclaimer before we proceed, I’m no bishop, pastor, priest, evangelist, deacon, elder, papa or anything, I’m a believer in Christ Jesus and I think that’s all that matters, well, just putting it out there, lol.
So back to topic, alot of Christians support Trump because of his take on abortion, LGBTQ+ and others even though he’s racist, failing to callout the attack at Charlottesville, having numerous sex scandals and business scandals , well, I’m not bought. Just to be straight, the Bible in Romans 1: 26-27 shows God isn’t in support of the gay and abortion?! well, it’s another very controversial thing, but summary, God isn’t in support either (atleast to my knowledge about God) but should the penalty be death and imprisonment, nah, I don’t so, I think they deserve a life and a right to be treated with dignity seen that some don’t even believe in God, it’s like the government deciding to send you to jail for committing adultery or lying, atleast they are all sins in the eyes of the Lord, or some sins are more sinful than others???? Not even for people we don’t share the same moral standpoint. Lol.
So firstly I think it’s hypocritical or intellectual dishonest to want to hold everyone according to our moral conditions, I mean we are Christians that is why we believe these things are wrong but nations aren’t monoreligious, I screaming at the sight of any Sharia law in Nigeria because a Christian but wanting Christian laws to be passed in America to me, to the very least is hypocritical.
Secondly, though Jesus will want to see all men turn to Him, yet he gave us all a choice to choose him or not, God in Deteronomy 31: 15 says " I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction." , which means the ball ultimately lies in our hands, in people’s hands to choose, not to be chosen for and the Bible makes us know it is not a do or die matter, yours is to preach the gospel and let them know, it’s the Holy spirit that brings the conviction as stated in 1 Thessalonians 1:5 and Jesus even told his disciples when he sent them out, in Matthew 10:14 "If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet", ariwo ko ni music, my friend. Moreover, it’s why I think God gave us a mind, He could have decided against giving us, who would question Him? Lol
But honestly I get the fear, the world’s morals are eroding and Christian values are on the decline, so how do we go about it? Militarilization and enshrinement in the laws of the land or by salvation of the individualities, for me, I think it is always the latter, the best example is the examination of the life of Jesus himself, times without number we see Jesus slipping out of the hands of those that wanted to make him a physical king (John 6:35), and nowhere in the Bible did we see the apostles or early Christians trying to be lawmakers to force the Christian ideals over the people, lol, they had the Pharisees to do that but you see Jesus whole existence was to break the hold of the law on the people, you see in Galatians 2:3 when Paul said "I do not treat the grace of God as meaningless. For if keeping the law could make us right with God, then there was no need for Christ to die" which doesn’t mean the law is bad, (lol, that’s a conversation for another time) but rather not the way to go but rather making disciples of individuals, which i think God’s endgame is in Jeremiah 31:33 “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people" if you read down to verse 34, I think that is why we all have the holy spirit as individuals that dwells in us.
But on a lighter note, I think it’s our underestimation of God and how much we limit how God can work to assume it’s Trump God can use and not Biden, we’ve forgotten that it’s the same God that uses Cyrus, a Persian king to deliver his people that is still God today and the same Bible still records that "The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will" in Proverbs 21:1, so why do we make the choice for God even if he needs the leader to achieve anything.
So as Christians in this modern age, what is our role and responsibility? I don’t think it has changed for the last two thousands years as written in Matthew 28:19-21 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
and I think the closest one to it "let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:16.
So go and do

If you have any objection or addition or anything about this piece, I'll be happy to have a conversation with me, you can DM me on twitter @ajalaofficial. I pray God blesses us all



Ajala Marvellous Oluwamayowa
Ajala Marvellous Oluwamayowa

Written by Ajala Marvellous Oluwamayowa

Christian▪Thinker▪Futuristic • Healthtech • AI/ML • Chelsea fan

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